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Robin J 4_edited.png

What people think is hard being a designer:

1. Get out from a creative rut

2. Unrealistic deadlines

3. Matching customer expectations with the budget.


What’s really hard being a designer:

1. Seeing slightly off-centered objects

2. “Adobe Illustrator CS6 has stopped working”

3. Creating your own About page

The Serious stuff

A former student at Halmstad University with a passion for problem-solving and user-centered design. I got my bachelor’s degree in informatics in the spring of 2022 after graduating from Digital design & innovation. With a high school diploma in economics with a specialization in business administration and further education in marketing at SBCC (Santa Barbara City College) in California. I can finally combine the two areas that I truly love, design and marketing. From the design field, I know the value of iterations, agile methods, a user-centered approach, and of course the infamous “creative process”. From the marketing field and see the value in branding, customer values, and market strategy.
By combining my knowledge and insights from these two fields I strive to create designs that truly make people's lives better, in other words not only user-centric but also customer-friendly design.



The personal stuff

I’m 27 years old currently living in Halmstad, Sweden but originally I’m from a little old fishing village called Bovallstrand located on the west coast of Sweden. By growing up in the rural countryside I have learned three important things from my childhood:


1. Homegrown food always tastes better than store-bought.

2. Always double-check the time schedule, or you better start walking.

3. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty (But Comic Sans is still too much for me).


After graduating from high school I did a little bit of traveling and lived shorter periods in California and the Caribbeans. But I eventually landed in Gothenburg and worked in the hospitality industry as a bartender, where I found out you can make money by being creative and talking to people. A lot of similarities with the design practice except for the number of intoxicated customers.



The fun stuff

This is the section that either closes the deal or gives me the “we are sorry to inform you…” mail. In other words, the section my mom told me to skip but still being rebellious I added it anyway. I truly believe that humor, kindness, and curiosity are the cornerstones to a good life and maybe that's why I love design and marketing because I get a chance to use my creativity to create fun things. Some fun facts about me:


1. I know the entire Morse alphabet.

2. I’ve been ignored by the king of Sweden.

3. I hate making lists. 

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